
>> Welcome to Astro's Lair

Here's cup of [insert your favorite beverage] ☕!

A long time ago, corporations did not rule the interwebz. It was a time of creativity, expression, and exploration. This website? It's a love letter to the Internet of yesteryear.

Hang out for a bit. Look around, play some of my games, check out some of the projects that have kept me busy, and leave message (really appreciate those)!


September 05, 2024

Long time, no see! I've been quietly working though. Revamped the [Projects] page. I've made a few simple web apps and I've been updating my log! I'm working on a game (at least spiritually), and been working on a lot of entries for my codex + a whole new website that focuses on health and health tracking! Let's see how it pans out.

Jan 20, 2024

🏆 Astro's Lair is a proud member of! Love their work. A great way to find sites too. As of writing, Astro's Lair is a mere 268.96KB in size!

Jan 20, 2024

It's been quite some time since I've updated this old thing! This is the biggest update yet! I rewrote the entire site. From scratch. Handwritten code! No fancy shmancy frameworks! Let's go. The site sports a new look, hope you like it. I aim to make it more accessible because the Internet is for everyone.

June 12, 2023

Some optimizations, new pages, and more minimal. So minimal that I'm questioning me choosing Bootstrap. All of this could be made using plain old html and css. Maybe that's next...?

June 09, 2023

New homepage. Super minimal and if I say so myself, pretty sleek!

May 24, 2023

Another big update! 

January 28, 2023

BIGGEST update yet! Another rehaul. 💜 I should stop rehaul-ing and start making more content honestly. Currently, we have 27k views, whoop. 

December 11, 2022

Another major rehaul. This took me longer than I anticipated. Oh, domain (astroslair dot xyz) expired a month ago. I'm still debating on getting a new one/renewing it. 

August 1, 2022

Added my (incomplete) 📕 Codex Vitae/blog/digital garden hodgepodge! It replaces the blog that I had earlier.  

June 30, 2022

Things didn't go as planned. The June 10th launch did not happen ;~: But hey! New site is now live :D 

June 10, 2022

Major overhaul 2.0 - Electric Boogaloo! Should work even better on mobile now :D Made a ton of changes. Switched to Bootstrap5. Also we're close to 14k views! 

June 7, 2022

We hit 13,000 views?! What? How? Must be bots crawling the site or something. 

Whoop! We're live and it's my birthday! 🥳🎉 

Jan 15, 2022

Site Redesign! Major overhaul. 

🍰 Oct 15, 2021

Site Created!! 🎊