Some Stuff I've Made!
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Follow my hyperspace adventures on my tiny blog - astro's log
Codex Vitae

A personal wiki of sorts. Second brain. Quasi-blog, Zettelkasten inspired, but loosely implemented. Visit
This One!
Astro's Lair has been around since 2021. I did have websites up before that but AL and all its iterations are the ones I would proudly declare making. The current iteration was written by hand completely using semantic html and minimal js. It is hacky in places but I've been able to keep the site extremely lightweight.
🎮 Game-y Stuff

I make tiny web thingies under the moniker haretic on
Other Stuff
A Puffle virtual pet simulator for a friend
As a birthday gift, I made an Android app that used sprites and animations from Club Penguin. Made it for a friend who liked Club Penguin.
Digital "Art" Stuff